51. I masterminded something that helped bring down a university president. Maybe one day this
story can be told.
52. I spend more on books each year than John Edwards spends on hairspray.
53. I believe in the right to bear arms. I think people should be allowed to own just about any weapon they want to own and can afford to own. Pistols, rifles, sawed off shotguns, assault rifles, machine guns,sub-machine guns, heavy machine guns, crew served weapons, artillery, heavy artillery,anti-aircraft artillery, SAM batteries, hand held SAMs, anti-tank missiles, anti-tank and anti-personal mines, air or sea launched torpedoes. In 1789 the average citizen was able to purchase and posses EVERY weapon that was available to the Army and Navy and yet no one saw fit to pass any laws restricting their possession by citizens. Our constitution is the same as now so why should today be any different?
54. I notice all too many times how women use their sexuality to control men. I get very amused when one tries it on me and it fails to work.
55. I think just about any dish can be improved with the addition of onions.
56. No matter how hard I try I cannot keep my bedroom uncluttered. Now I have a housekeeper and it is still cluttered.
57. I have never met a bowl of beans I didn't like.
58. When I see couples touch each other, I always wonder how they decided to do it at that particular time and place, and whether they really feel like it or are contriving it.
59. I walk rather slow and usually get left behind to fend for myself.
60. A good lunch; grilled cheese sandwich, dill pickle spears and tomato soup.
61. The hospital I was born in was demolished and now there is a grocery store there.
62. I do not like having my picture taken
63. My first pets were a pair of turtles that lived in an aquarium. I had to leave them in VA when we moved back from there.
64. I don’t like to be late and will usually be at least 15 minutes early to events or meetings.
65. I prefer dark chocolate to milk chocolate.
66. I tried shaving my head once. But I have a pronounced sagittal crest so I appear more Klingon than human with my skull exposed.
67. I sometimes have a dream that I am back in college and with only one week until finals I suddenly realize that I have totally forgotten about a class. I showed up the first day but not since. The rest of the dream is about my desperate scramble to at least get a B in the class.
68. I have a great recipe for ice.
69. I have a large capacity to store useless information in my brain making me a formidable competitor in Trivial Pursuit
70. I hate reality TV. But would love to produce my own reality series called, "Tied to a Cape Buffalo".
71. If you ask me a question, you know I’ll give you the honest to God truth. If you don’t want to know, don’t ask.
72. I have no problem with the designated hitter rule. What's so great about having a 90% guaranteed strikeout every nine batters? However, I'm less impressed with people who make a career of only being a designated hitter, like Edgar Martinez. He was a great hitter, but hitting is only a part of baseball.
73. I try not to sleep under the covers. I sleep on top with a blanket. That way it’s easier and quicker to make the bed in the morning. Plus, even though I don’t like to be cold, I prefer it be a bit on the cool side when I’m sleeping.
74. Mosquitoes and other blood sucking insects avoid me. On the rare occasion that a mosquito will attempt to feed on my it dies. I know not why.
75. When I'm old I WILL be strange, angry and unpredictable - While I laugh inside
4 hours ago
I have that college dream all the time. It's a class I forgot to drop, and rarely attended. The Dreamland University is an amalgamation of every college campus I've ever attended or visited, so even though it's familiar, I can never find the right classroom.
Wow, congrats on 100 things. Not sure most people know that much about their own selves.
Ruby Estelle
"I sometimes have a dream that I am back in college and with only one week until finals I suddenly realize that I have totally forgotten about a class. I showed up the first day but not since. The rest of the dream is about my desperate scramble to at least get a B in the class."
I've had that dream off and on for the last 10 years. To the tee. That's strange.
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