This was my original post for Memorial Day. But I decided to hold it until I had a day I was so busy I could not post.
While my pedigree in Texas goes back to the original Austin's 300, I did spend most of my yoot in a small town in western Oklahoma. And I do mean small. Population less than 500 and then no other towns for 15 miles in any direction. The closest McDonalds was and still is 45 miles away. If I were guessing I would say that between 1927 and 2007 there were maybe 1750 graduates of my high school. And that estimate is high.
What are the chances of a grad from my HS earning the Congressional Medal of Honor ? Regardless of the odds it did happen. Donald J. Gott who probably graduated from AHS in 1941 or maybe 1942 was that hero. On Nov 9, 1944 First Lt. Donald J. Gott USA Air Corps and about 7 months from his 22nd birthday distinguished himself conspicuously by gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty while engaged in an action against an enemy of the United States."
Here is the official citation:
On a bombing run upon the marshaling yards at Saarbrucken a B-17 aircraft piloted by 1st. Lt. Gott was seriously damaged by antiaircraft fire. Three of the aircraft's engines were damaged beyond control and on fire; dangerous flames from the No. 4 engine were leaping back as far as the tail assembly. Flares in the cockpit were ignited and a fire raged therein, which was further increased by free-flowing fluid from damaged hydraulic lines. The interphone system was rendered useless. In addition to these serious mechanical difficulties the engineer was wounded in the leg and the radio operator's arm was severed below the elbow. Suffering from intense pain, despite the application of a tourniquet, the radio operator fell unconscious. Faced with the imminent explosion of his aircraft, and death to his entire crew, mere seconds before bombs away on the target, 1st. Lt. Gott and his copilot conferred. Something had to be done immediately to save the life of the wounded radio operator. The lack of a static line and the thought that his unconscious body striking the ground in unknown territory would not bring immediate medical attention forced a quick decision. 1st. Lt. Gott and his copilot decided to fly the flaming aircraft to friendly territory and then attempt to crash land. Bombs were released on the target and the crippled aircraft proceeded alone to Allied-controlled territory. When that had been reached, 1st. Lt. Gott had the copilot personally inform all crewmembers to bail out. The copilot chose to remain with 1st. Lt. Gott in order to assist in landing the bomber. With only one normally functioning engine, and with the danger of explosion much greater, the aircraft banked into an open field, and when it was at an altitude of 100 feet it exploded, crashed, exploded again and then disintegrated. All 3 crewmembers were instantly killed. 1st. Lt. Gott's loyalty to his crew, his determination to accomplish the task set forth to him, and his deed of knowingly performing what may have been his last service to his country was an example of valor at its highest.
Sad part is....... I never knew about him until I found this on the web about 3 months ago. Now there is a memorial in the Ellis County Courthouse. Hopefully he get mentioned in the schools. After all not only was he the only graduate of Arnett Schools to receive the CMOH, he was the first from Oklahoma to receive it in WW2.
4 hours ago
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