Monday, May 18, 2009

Monday Movie Stuff.

Found this chart somewhere. I mean I find a funny jpg and I download it and then forget where I got it. Well since it's Monday I am gonna post something movie related. Movies are so full of the same basic plot elements. Ever notice how in every cop movie it is essential to the plot to visit a strip club? And how about the required "outrun the explosion" scene?
Well Things That Happen in Underground Parking Garages in the Movies is another good example.
Can you name 10 movies with a fight in a parking garage?


Kath said...

They have movies there? Do you have cable?

I'm just teasing. :)

(do you?)

Unknown said...

Have cable, but don't watch much TV. And yes lots of English speaking stations. And yes 3 movie theaters that I know of.

Kath said...

So do you hang out on the beach all day?

(Why is it all these blogger guys don't have jobs??? I don't understand.)

Kath said...

If you just needed a house to rent/buy I have one at the beach just sitting there empty.

El Capitan said...

Die Hard
The Usual Suspects
6th Day
Fight Club
Smoking Aces

Silverado, Open Range, Tombstone, etc. (A horse parking garage...)

Kath said...

I protest the "horse parking garage"

BananaRepublican said...

Overruled. The Livery does serve the same purpose in Westerns as parking garages do in modern films. Not a lot of "horse parking" going on there. Nice place for a shoot out to begin or end. Wonderful place to start a fire. Kerosene lamp+ lots of hay = inferno

Kath said...
